By-Laws & Constitution

By - Laws

Revised: February 2024

Annual Dues

The Secretary-Treasurer shall send an invoice for yearly dues by February fifteenth, and all golfing privileges and social member dues shall be due for payment in full by March first. The annual membership dues shall be increased by 3% of the base fees per year, rounded to the nearest dollar.

Each member that pays green fees for the year shall prepay Men's Nights' meals at $55.00 per year and Ladies Nights' meals at $45.00 per year. All income from this assessment shall be used for debt reduction for the club.

An Associate Social Membership shall be an individual who has the right to attend all social functions at SSGCC (including men and ladies dinner nights). Husband and wife shall need to purchase separate memberships. An associate social member shall be allowed to rent the clubhouse facilities at membership rates, but will not be allowed to have reduces golfing rates for guests or be able to golf or to sponsor guests for golfing on men's or ladies' days, Sundays, or holidays. The associate social member must serve on Men's or Ladies' Night and serve on committees for social functions. The associate social member must prepay for Men's or Ladies' Night the same as regular  green fee members (if applicable). The associate social member shall pay annual dues of $125.00 per person per year. All penalties that apply to regular members and green fees members for not fulfilling their serving obligations shall apply to associate social members.

New members must claim marital status when purchasing stock. Existing members should be required to make the Board aware of marital status changes within 30 days of that change.

Disciplinary Action

Members that do not pay their dues on time shall be charged interest at one per cent per month that dues are in arrears. Such members will have no clubhouse or golfing privileges until their dues are paid in full. If the delinquent member has not paid dues for 12 months, the share shall be offered for sale and the amount of delinquent dues plus interest deducted from the proceeds.

The Board of Directors shall determine a fee that allows members the right to buyout of their serving responsibilities for Men’s nights, Ladies’ night, and/or other committee. The buyout must be done by March 1.

Any member that does not bring food, show up to work, or find a replacement to do these duties for their designated serving night will be assessed a penalty of $150.00. The entire amount of the assessment will go to the serving committee
to help pay for the cost of the food for the evening. Any member assigned to work a tournament that does not bring food, show up to work, or find a replacement to do these duties will be assessed a penalty of $150.00 for a single membership or $300.00 for a family membership or an amount determined by the tournament chairperson not to exceed the amount of $150.00 for a single membership or $300.00 for a family membership.

The offending member’s golfing and clubhouse privileges will be revoked until the penalty is paid. The member’s name will be posted on the bulletin board until payment in made. Penalties will be added to the next years billing if not paid.

Members may be disciplined for inappropriate action according to the following procedures. Each written complaint must define the exact violation of the rules, the date of occurrence, the member(s) involved, and must by signed by four members of SSGCC. The board reserves the right to waive the violation procedure pending the severity of the violation.

    1. First Violation of Any Rule: The Board of Directors will review the complaint. If the actions are found in violation of the rules, the Board shall send them a letter of reprimand.
    2. Second Violation of Any Rule: The Board of Directors will review the complaint. If the actions are found in violation of the rules, the member(s) shall be required to appear before the Board of Directors.
    3. Third Violation of Any Rule: The Board of Directors will review the complaint. If the actions are found in violation of the rules, the right of the member to keep his/her membership shall come to a vote at the Annual Meeting. The member (even if a shareholder) shall lose his/her rights to any membership with a simple majority vote.


Rules for Outside Green Fees

No persons shall be allowed to pay green fees without being a guest of a member and playing in the same foursome at Men’s and Ladies Days functions. Any persons (Non-members) may only be a golfing or social guest three times per golfing season on Men’s and Ladies Day.

Junior Membership

Any minor child in high school or younger will be included in the family membership dues. All young adults enrolled in college or living under the same roof until they are twenty-three years old by April 1: dues are Fifty Dollars ($50.00). The parents shall submit their names and ages when paying their dues.
